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Get facebook page access_token appcelerator arg missing

I have this for trying to get page access token from facebook.

I am doing this with appcelerator titanium.

 Ti.Facebook.requestWithGraphPath(Titanium.App.Properties.getString("sidnamn"), {fields: 'access_token'}, function(resp) {
    if(resp.access_token) {;

        }   });

When i run this i get this error:

message = "Invalid number of arguments to function. expected 4 arguments, received: 3 in -[FacebookModule requestWithGraphPath:] (FacebookModule.m:440)";

So what have i missed?


  • argument one = target
    argument two = data
    argument three = method (POST/GET)
    argument four = callback

    My answer does not address the quality of your target or data, but that your 3rd argument is NOT POST/GET