I have SQL Server 2012
There are two SPs one with string type of parameter and other with the user-define type as parameter.
I can pull first SP from Database Explorer in Visual Web developer to Linq
to SQL file, but I am not able to pull second SP (one with user-defined type as parameter) to Linq to SQL file.
Also I am unable to see my User-defined types under the 'Types' folder in Database Explorer.
I restarted my system couple of time but did not help and getting error as:
Could not retrieve schema information for database object dbo.JobSaveOrPublishJob
Am I missing anything?.
The schema of second Stored Procedure is:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[JobSaveOrPublishJob]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@Title NVARCHAR(150), --
@WorktoolID INT,
@JobSummary NVARCHAR(500),--
@Description NVARCHAR(4000),--
@StartDate DATETIME,--
@DueDate DATETIME,--
@Duration INT,--
@BasePayment MONEY, --
@InstanceCount INT, --
@MarketPlaceID BIGINT, --
--@PreferredZerkerIDs [dbo].[TableTypePreferredZerkers] READONLY, -- User-defined type
@PublishAfter int,
@Qualifications [dbo].[TableTypeQualificationJob] READONLY, -- User-defined type
@Questionnaires [dbo].[TableTypeQuestionnaire] READONLY, -- User-defined type
@AutoAward BIT, --
@AutoAccept BIT, --
@SharePublicProfile BIT, --
@BlockCommunication BIT, --
@IsPublished BIT, --
@CreatedBy BIGINT, --
@TrainingCourse [dbo].[TableTypeJobTrainingCourses] READONLY -- User-defined type
-- Do something
It's not supported from a designer perspective. There is a way to work around it from a code perspective, but it isn't pretty (at all). See