Given traits:
trait HasSize {
def size() : Int
trait StorageTrait extends HasSize {
def something() : Unit
trait YetAnotherStorageTrait extends HasSize {
def anotherSomething() : Unit
I want to create class
class InMemoryStorage extends StorageTrait with YetAnotherStorageTrait {
now, method size of StorageTrait returns different thing than method YetAnotherStorageTrait (it's still a size, but of different collections).
What is the correct way to design such case in Scala?
If I understand the question correctly, you have a class which inherits traits which respond differently to the size
method? Then there is no way to resolve this ambiguity than to use composition instead of mixin.
class InMemoryStorage
def mainStorage: StorageTrait
def auxStorage: YetAnotherStorageTrait
def mainSize = mainStorage.size
def auxSize = auxStorage.size
Is that what you are looking after?