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property location in qml

I have error

ReferenceError: redRow is not defined

on this code:

Repeater {
            property int redRow: 0
            Image {
                anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
                anchors.bottomMargin: height / 16 + height * redRow

if i put
property int redRow: 0

in the begin of file - all right, why i don't have a opportunity put this in Repeater element?


  • You can put this in the repeater but you have to reference this variable by the id of repeater:

    Repeater {
      id: repeater //add id to the repeater this can be any unique identifier
      property int redRow: 0
      Image {
        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
        anchors.bottomMargin: height / 16 + height * repeater.redRow //reference repeaters property