Context: Windows 7, XLW 5.x, Microsoft Excel 2007, Visual Studio 2010, C++
Given the following bit of code ...
#import "c:\windows\system32\scrrun.dll" raw_interfaces_only, \
raw_native_types, \
named_guids, \
rename("DeleteFile", "_DeleteFile"), \
rename("MoveFile","_MoveFile"), \
rename("CopyFile", "_CopyFile"), \
rename("GetFreeSpace", "_GetFreeSpace")
using namespace Scripting;
How do I now instantiate the FileSystemObject and call its methods?
This worked for me
std::wstring fileExists(std::wstring name)
CComPtr<IFileSystem> spFSO;
HRESULT hr = spFSO.CoCreateInstance(L"Scripting.FileSystemObject");
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && spFSO)
BSTR theName = SysAllocStringLen(, name.size());
hr = spFSO->FileExists(theName, &b);
return (b == -1) ? L"Exists" : L"Doesn't exist";
That at least got me connected to the functionality. There's still the getting it right for the situation, but that's beyond the scope of the posting.