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Simpliest python long polling

I saw some threads about long polling in python, but my problem is not so bit to use some additional kits like tornado etc. I have js client. It sends requests to my /longpolling page and wait for response. Once it get response or timeout it sends new one. This is working well. My /longpolling handler is a function:

currentTime =
lastUpdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(req.GET["ts"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
response = {
    "added": [],
    "updated": [],
    "deleted": []
while ( - currentTime).seconds < 600:
    now =
    #query = Log.objects.filter(time__range = (lastUpdate, now))
    query = Log.objects.raw("SELECT * FROM ...log WHERE time BETWEEN %s and %s", [lastUpdate, now])
    exist = False
    for log in query:
        exist = True
        type = {
            NEW: "added",
            UPDATED: "updated",
            DELETED: "deleted"
    if exist:
        response["ts"] = now.isoformat()
        return JsonResponse(response)
response["ts"] =
return JsonResponse(response)

Every 2 seconds during 10 min I want to check for new Log instances in DB to notify js client. I tryed to insert Log record manualy through phpMyAdmin but next Log.objects.filter(time__range = (lastUpdate, now)) returns empty QuerySet. I copy raw query from .query attr it looks like:

SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE time BETWEEN 2013-01-05 03:30:36 and 2013-01-05 03:45:18

So I quoted 2013-01-05 03:30:36 and 2013-01-05 03:45:18 and executed this SQL through phpMyAdmin and it returned my added record. I tryed:

query = Log.objects.filter(time__range = (lastUpdate, now))


query = Log.objects.raw("SELECT * FROM ...log WHERE time BETWEEN %s and %s", [lastUpdate, now])


for log in query.iterate():

But it always returns an empty QuerySet but never my added record. I thought there is some caching, but where? Or the problem is that I insert new record until while True: loop was performing? Or maybe there is some thread protection? Why phpMyAdmin see record but django does not? Please help me, I am stuck.


  • I haven't run into this problem, so I'm not sure. Based on @DanielRoseman's answer in the thread you linked in comments, you might be able to do this:

    with transaction.commit_on_success():
        query = Log.objects.raw("SELECT * FROM ...log WHERE time BETWEEN %s and %s", [lastUpdate, now])

    It seems more likely, though, that you will have to wrap the lines that insert your log entries in the commit_on_success decorator. I'm not sure where in your code the log entries are inserted.