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How do I complete an OR operation in jQuery?

if (!$('body').hasClass('home') || !$('ul#main-menu li.wwd').hasClass('active')){
$("ul#sub-menu").mouseover(function() {

}).mouseout(function() {
$("li.wwd").mouseover(function() {
}).mouseout(function() {
if ($('ul#main-menu li.wwd').is('.active')){


I need to run this jQuery on all pages besides the home page(that works fine) but also not on pages where li.wwd has class active. I thought this would work with an OR operation but it does not. Thanks for any help in advance.


  • To evaluate the !(not) condition for both places you need to use && instead of ||, just like

    if (!$('body').hasClass('home') && !$('ul#main-menu li.wwd').hasClass('active'))
        // code goes here