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How to improve this Enlive template?

I use this Enlive template to transform the HTML below it to the HTML below that. Based on a collection of twitter names I generate a table with links. How can I get rid of the Hiccup inside the enlive/clone-for?

(enlive/deftemplate usernames-table-body
  [:table.names :tbody :tr]
  (enlive/clone-for [username usernames]
                     (html [:a {:href (str "" username)} username]))))

HTML input

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css"/>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
    <div class="container">
      <div class="hero-unit">
        <p class="names">These people who you are following are not following you back!</p>
      <table class="names table table-striped">

HTML output

    <link href="/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" />
     <script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script> 
     <div class="container"> 
       <div class="hero-unit">
        <p class="names">These people who you are following are not following you back!</p>
       <table class="names table table-striped"> 
               <td> < a   href =" " > foo </ a > </td> 
             </tr> <tr> 
               <td> < a   href =" " > bar </ a > </td> 



  • You could change your template from:



      <td><a href="">foo</a></td>

    Now your HTML resource is a working example of the output you want.

    Then modify your deftemplate to support it:

    (enlive/deftemplate usernames-table-body
      [:table.names :tbody :tr]
      (enlive/clone-for [username usernames]
                        [:td :a]
                         (enlive/set-attr :href (str "" username))
                         (enlive/content username))))

    Edited: If you want to get rid of the URL in the code, try change your href to ?screen_name= and then modify the code to something like:

                         (fn [node] (update-in node [:attrs :href] #(str % username)))
                         (enlive/content username))))

    You could also make a function of it. See e.g. Append to an attribute in Enlive.