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is iPhone autorelease working for c arrays?

will autorelease release my non-object c array? I am wondering, because perhaps only objects know their reference count? here's my code:

-(int *)getCombination{
    int xIndex = arc4random() % [self._num1 count] + 1;
    int yIndex = arc4random() % [self._num2 count] + 1;
    int *combination;
    combination[0] = [[self._num1 objectAtIndex:xIndex]intValue];
    combination[1] = [[self._num2 objectAtIndex:yIndex]intValue];
    return combination;

and this is my main() function:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    @autoreleasepool {
        return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([YYAAppDelegate class]));

So is the autorelease working for objects only or will it release my c array from getCombination?

Edit: Since the answer is no, autorelease doesn't work for c arrays/pointers I used the following code which uses NSArrays instead:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface Multiplication : NSObject

@property (strong, nonatomic) NSMutableArray *_combinations;

-(NSArray *)getCombination;


#import "Multiplication.h"

@implementation Multiplication
@synthesize _combinations;

    self._combinations = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
    for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
        for (int j = 1; j <= 10; j++) {
            NSNumber *x = [NSNumber numberWithInt:i];
            NSNumber *y = [NSNumber numberWithInt:j];
            [self._combinations addObject:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:x, y, [NSNumber numberWithInt:([x intValue] * [y intValue])], nil]];

-(NSArray *)getCombination{
    if ([self._combinations count] == 0) {
        [self initializeArray];

    int index = arc4random() % [self._combinations count];
    NSArray *arr = [self._combinations objectAtIndex:index];
    [self._combinations removeObjectAtIndex:index];
    return arr;

    self = [super init];
    if (self) {
        [self initializeArray];
    return self;


BTW this function is supposed to provide a method for randomly displaying every combination in the multiplication table of 10X10 and restart when all combinations have been displayed and equal number of times.


  • autorelease is a message that can be sent to Objective C objects. Before ARC, you needed to do it explicitly, like this:

    MyObject *obj = [[[MyObject alloc] init] autorelease];

    Under ARC, the compiler figures out the autorelease part for you, but the message is stil sent to the object; that object gets added to the autorelease pool as a result. When autorelease pool gets drained, all objects inside it are sent a release message. If there are no other references to the object, its reference count drops to zero, and the object get cleaned up.

    C arrays do not respond to autorelease or release message: they are not Objective C entities, so they do not respond to messages at all. Therefore, you must deal with the memory that you allocate for these arrays manually, by calling malloc1 and free.

    Of course you can place autoreleased objects inside a C array, and these objects will be cleaned up in the regular course of action. For example

    NSNumber **numbers = malloc(2, sizeof(NSNumber*));
    numbers[0] = [NSNumber numberWithInt:123];
    numbers[1] = [NSNumber numberWithInt:456];
    return numbers;

    If the caller does not retain NSNumber objects inside the numbers array, these objects will be autoreleased2. The numbers object, however, needs to be cleaned up separately:


    1 You did not call malloc in your code, so accessing combinatopn[...] is undefined behavior.

    2 Causing hanging references in the process.