I want to achieve something in my application, but I'm not really sure which is the best option to do that. In my app I am downloading data via web server. I want to create something like global Progress Bar which must show the user how much data he is downloading from the whole application..no matter on which activity he is. I think it's the right time to say that I am using TabHost and TabGroupActivity in my application. So for now this is how I think it should look like :
For a second option I was thinking if it will be a better option to implement a notification with progress bar which is updating the downloaded data size..something similar to Google Play store notifications while downloading application :
Any suggestions what I should look for and which is the best way to do that in Android Application?
Thanks for any kind of information!
My first decision was to create a custom view, which had title, some custom action buttons and textviews which I added to every screen. After that I changed to ActionBarSherlock and made some custom design for it too so it can look like the same in every version and that worked for me.