I have tried implementing the sizeof operator. I have done in this way:
#define my_sizeof(x) ((&x + 1) - &x)
But it always ended up in giving the result as '1' for either of the data type.
I have then googled it, and I found the following code:
#define my_size(x) ((char *)(&x + 1) - (char *)&x)
And the code is working if it is typecasted, I don't understand why. This code is also PADDING a STRUCTURE perfectly.
It is also working for:
#define my_sizeof(x) (unsigned int)(&x + 1) - (unsigned int)(&x)
Can anyone please explain how is it working if typecasted?
The result of pointer subtraction is in elements and not in bytes. Thus the first expression evaluates to 1
by definition.
This aside, you really ought to use parentheses in macros:
#define my_sizeof(x) ((&x + 1) - &x)
#define my_sizeof(x) ((char *)(&x + 1) - (char *)&x)
Otherwise attempting to use my_sizeof()
in an expression can lead to errors.