I just KNOW this is something simple, but I've tried all of the suggestions I could find on this forum, and I still can't get the following ShellExecute statements, which worked perfectly well for four years on XP, to work in Windows 7.
Any suggestions gratefully received!
ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar('command.com'), PChar('/c ftp -s:c:\checkout\WebFTPParams.txt'), Nil, SW_SHOW);
ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar('command.com'), PChar('/c ftp -s:c:\checkout\WWFTPParams.txt'), Nil, SW_SHOW);
Thanks anyway, folks, but I found the problem. I should have been using CMD.EXE rather than good old Command.com. Sorry for bothering you!
Command.com is not anymore in Windows (it was used in DOS). Use cmd.exe