I'm currently using this colorpicker for android, but I'm not sure how to set a the textColor of a textview
in another activity
from this colorpicker. Anyone have any experience with this library? Thanks!
Also, if you need any of my code, please ask!
EDIT: Thanks for the answer! I went with something similar, but your answer helped a lot!
Add project from gitHab as Library project and use ColorPickerDialog in your project as you use simple Dialog. From readme https://github.com/gsingh93/android-ColorPickerPreference#readme you can use ColorPickerPreference in PreferenceActivity.
Just set onColorChangeListener like this :
public void setOnColorChangedListener(OnColorChangedListener listener) {
mListener = listener;
From source code on gitHub it's right way) Because this callback will call if user do click on panel and choose any color.
Good luck!