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MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, and calling ambiguous functions

With functional dependencies, I can declare the Foo class:

class Foo a b c | a -> b where
    foo1 :: a -> b -> c
    foo2 :: a -> c

and when I call foo2, everything works fine. The compiler knows which instance to use because of the dependency.

But if I remove the dependency to create Foo':

class Foo' a b c where
    foo1' :: a -> b -> c
    foo2' :: a -> c

everything still compiles fine, but now whenever I try to call foo2' GHC throws an error about not being able to resolve which instance to use because b is ambiguous.

Is it ever possible to call foo2' without error? If so, how? If not, why doesn't it generate a compilation error?


  • It is impossible to call foo2' in this context, because, as Daniel Fischer says, there is no way to determine which instance to use. For example, if you had:

    instance Foo' Int Int Int where
        foo2' x = x
    instance Foo' Int Bool Int where
        foo2' x = x + 1

    Both of these foo2's have the same type signature, so there is no way to determine which one to call.

    The usual way around this problem is to use a proxy:

    data Proxy a = Proxy
    class Foo'' a b c = where
        foo2'' :: Proxy b -> a -> c

    Which you use like so to select which instance:

    foo'' (Proxy :: Proxy Bool) 42