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Unmarshalling complex XML into java using Spring batch

I use Spring batch in order to parse XML documents and act upon the data contained in the those XML documents.

I have documents such as the one below:

  <group id="13001L000001" box="13000B000001" operator="jsmith">
    <mail numMail="3A06049714560"/>
    <mail numMail="3A06049714561"/>
    <mail numMail="3A06049714562"/>
    <mail numMail="3A06049714565"/>
  <group id="13001L000002" box="13000B000001" operator="jsmith">
    <mail numMail="3A06049714570"/>
    <mail numMail="3A06049714571"/>
    <mail numMail="3A06049714572"/>
    <mail numMail="3A06049714575"/>

Ideally, for each document I want to be able to obtain a collection of groups and for each group a collection of mails

I am not sure how to use XStream for that purpose... Is it possible to achieve what I want to do with XStream or do I need JaxB?


  • XStream would be the 'easiest' imho - essentially allowing you to quickly construct a set of POJO's that would map the document and then use XStream configurations to parse the document into them. for instance for the rootDoc;

    import java.util.List;
    public class Root implements Serializable {
    private List<Group> groups;
    //setters and getters...

    for the Group

    import java.util.List;
    public class Group implements Serializable {
    private String id;
    private String box;
    private String operator;
    private List<Mail> mailItems;
    //setters and getters...

    and for the Mail Item

    public class Mail implements Serializable {
    private String numMail;
    //setters and getters...

    to setup XStream for this object the following configuration could be used

        XStream xstream = new XStream(new StaxDriver());
        xstream.alias("mail", Mail.class);
        xstream.alias("group", Group.class);
        xstream.useAttributeFor(Group.class, "box");
        xstream.useAttributeFor(Group.class, "id");
        xstream.useAttributeFor(Group.class, "operator");
        xstream.addImplicitCollection(Group.class, "mailItems");
        xstream.alias("rootDoc", Root.class);
        xstream.addImplicitCollection(Root.class, "groups");

    and to use it to read the document

    Root result = (Root) xstream.fromXML(...source);

    now you can use the Root POJO as you would any parent object and retrieve the corresponding Groups and Mail Items.