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Error When analyzing cpp projects with Sonar

I got the below Error when i analyzed a CPP project. i analysed the project with sonar 3.1 and 3.4. But i got the same error in both the sonar versions. please help me to find and solve the issue..

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.sonar-plugins:maven-cpp-plugin:0.4:metrics (default-cli
) on project ConnectJet: Execution default-cli of goal org.codehaus.sonar-plugins:maven-cpp-plugin:
0.4:metrics failed: An API incompatibility was encountered while executing      
org.codehaus.sonar-plugins:maven-cpp-plugin:0.4:metrics: java.lang.LinkageError: JAXB 2.0 API is being loaded from the bootstrap classloader,   
but this RI (from jar:file:/C:/Users/Renjith.R/.m2/repository/com/sun/xml/bind/j
/impl/ModelBuilder.class) needs 2.1
API. Use the endorsed directory mechanism to place jaxb-api.jar in the bootstrap   
classloader. (See

Thanks in Advance Renjith.R


  • Moving the comment as an answer since it worked...

    The problem is likely due to conflicting version of the jaxb API provided by java and required by sonar.

    Place 'jaxb-api.jarin theendorsed` directory as instructex in the error message.