I am trying to install busy box on panda board which has ICS android kernel
steps are below that I used
Downloaded binary file which is supported to the panda board
Pushing it into system/busybox/ folder
Install the busybox command line tools on the target by executing the following commands on booted filesystem:
pc> ./adb shell
target$ cd /system/busybox
target$ ./busybox --install .
target$ ./sh #here i am getting error like ./sh: precmd: not found
Save the original sh executable by renaming it, and then create a soft-link to busybox sh:
target$ cd /system/bin
target$ mv sh sh.android
target$ ln -s /system/busybox/sh sh
After that Export
export PATH=$PATH:/system/busybox:/sbin:/vendor/bin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/system/xbin
I want to make Busybox shell as default shell so I can run script on Panda board, but I am getting error in 3rd step that I have mentioned there.
The precmd
error seems to be due to the prompt. Try resetting the prompt, by doing: