I want to store the data from several curl calls to an initial table, but last insert id is inserting wrong info
Query 1 inserts data into table
id name email valuereturn
1 val val@email.com 0
I then post data 3 times to my system and log it
id name system valuereturn
1 val 5 0
2 val 0 0
3 val 0 0
the max value returned from my system i want to update table 1
update table1
set valuereturn = '5'
where id = LAST_INSERT_ID()
does not work because last insert id is 3 from table2, how can I use something like last_insert_id(Table1)
i want to update my
Well, you can't. You have to retrieve and remember it in a PHP variable.
Or go for Saharsh's solution and remember it in a MySQL variable.