I'm trying to change the time signature (default to 4/4) in a MusicSequence but I don't seem to understand how to do this. I have 2 MusicTracks inside the sequence and a MusicPlayer also to reproduce the music. How can I change this value?
I know now that I need to add a Time Sig event to the MusicSequence Tempo Track. I know that I can get this track with MusicSequenceGetTempoTrack, but how do I add a time sig event to it?
Researching I realized that i need to create an MusicTrackExtendedMetaEvent to the Music Tempo Track. Now I need to know how to correctly format MIDIMetaEvent (I know that 88 is the metaEventType but don't know how to add the rest of the information).
After 4 wasting 4 hours on this I figured out how to do it. Here the code:
//Getting the tempo track
MusicTrack tempoTrack;
MusicSequenceGetTempoTrack (musicSequence, &tempoTrack);
//Set time signature to 7/16
MIDIMetaEvent timeSignatureMetaEvent;
timeSignatureMetaEvent.metaEventType = 0x58;
timeSignatureMetaEvent.dataLength = 4;
timeSignatureMetaEvent.data[0] = 0x07;
timeSignatureMetaEvent.data[1] = 0x04;
timeSignatureMetaEvent.data[2] = 0x18;
timeSignatureMetaEvent.data[3] = 0x08;
MusicTrackNewMetaEvent(tempoTrack, 0, &timeSignatureMetaEvent);
Here's a reference to MIDI file spec to look up time signature codes to http://www.somascape.org/midi/tech/mfile.html