I have the following HTML:
<h1 class="price">
<span class="strike">$325.00</span>$295.00
I'd like to get the $295 out. However, if I simply use PyQuery as follows:
price = pq('h1').text()
I get both prices.
Extracting only direct child text for an element in jQuery looks reasonably complicated - is there a way to do it at all in PyQuery?
Currently I'm extracting the first price separately, then using replace to remove it from the text, which is a bit fiddly.
Thanks for your help.
I don't think there is an clean way to do that. At least I've found this solution:
>>> print doc('h1').html(doc('h1')('span').outerHtml())
<h1 class="price"><span class="strike">$325.00</span></h1>
You can use .text() instead of .outerHtml() if you don't want to keep the span tag.
Removing the first one is much more easy:
>>> print doc('h1').remove('span')
<h1 class="price">