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Sass Mixin optional parameters

I am writing this mixin below:

=font-placeholder($location, $name, $fallback: '', $fallback-style: '')
    font-family: "#{$name}", "#{$fallback}", $fallback-style

+font-placeholder($location: body, $name: FontName)

Instead of it outputting this:

%body-font {
  font-family: "FontName", "", "";

I want it to output this:

%body-font {
  font-family: "FontName";

Any help?


  • If the string doesn't need quotes, don't quote it. Then you won't have to unquote it later.

    What you need is a list of fonts, that way you won't have to worry about extra commas or empty strings.

    =font-placeholder($location, $fonts...)
        font-family: $fonts
    +font-placeholder(body, FontName)
    +font-placeholder(body, FontName, serif)
    +font-placeholder(body, FontName, Arial, sans-serif)

    Should generate something like this:

    %body-font {
      font-family: FontName;
    %body-font {
      font-family: FontName, serif;
    %body-font {
      font-family: FontName, Arial, sans-serif;