I have a graphic designer that creates images and things like that for me. Do I need give him separate image sizes to be created specifically for iPhone 5, or do I build like I used to for the 3.5 inch screen? Will the images be resized automatically?
Here is one link that may help you.
Naming convention for iPhone 5 images?
and heres another
Reviewing these links basically evaluates to yes you have to create separate images for iPhone 5 you will need to add -568h@2x.png
to the end of each image that is for iPhone 5. You need to also create and set the launch image as well called Default-568h@2x.png
are it will not pick anything up for the iPhone 5.
No it will not resize the images automatically it will select the correct image to use, it will select the one with the -568h@2x.png
simple as that.
Hope this helps.