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Kumulos API method doesn't work

I am using Kumulos to submit information to a database. Unfortunately, I cannot get the submit method to work.

This app is written in Objective-C in Xcode

I have copied Kumulos.h, Kumulos.m, libKumulos.h and libKumulos_iOS_.0.7.4.a into my project.

in my viewDidLoad I have:

k = [[Kumulos alloc]init];
[k setDelegate:self];

and then I call the submit method in another thread by doing:

- (IBAction)submit:(UIButton *)sender 
    [loader startAnimating];
    [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(SubmittoDB) toTarget:self withObject:nil];

Which calls this method in another thread:


    NSDate *date=[NSDate date];

    Transporter *T = [Transporter shared];

    [k submitToDbWithLatitude:[T getlat]
                 andLongitude:[T getlon]
                 andFirstName:[T getfirstname]
                  andLastName:[T getlastname]
              andEmailAddress:[T getemail]
               andPhoneNumber:[T getphone]
                   andProblem:[T getproblem]];

The T object is just an object that was holding the information.

These are my didCompleteWithResult and didFailWithError methods:

-(void) kumulosAPI:(Kumulos *)kumulos apiOperation:(KSAPIOperation *)operation submitToDbDidCompleteWithResult:(NSNumber *)newRecordID
    [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(segue) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:false];

-(void) kumulosAPI:(kumulosProxy *)kumulos apiOperation:(KSAPIOperation *)operation didFailWithError:(NSString *)theError
     [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(error) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:false];


    [loader stopAnimating];
    [self performSegueWithIdentifier:@"uploaderdebrief" sender:self];

    [loader stopAnimating];
    UIAlertView *nope = [[UIAlertView alloc]initWithTitle:@"Error" 
    [nope show];

The failure method executes every single time, but the NSString "theError" is always nil so I have no idea what is going wrong. If I run this API method from the kumulos dashboard on the Kumulos website, I can submit data to the database successfully.

Does anybody have any idea what might be happening? Any help will be appreciated. Also hope everybody had a good Christmas (if that is your thing)


I placed a breakmark a little sooner, and I found that the NSString theError says Variable is not a CFString and then if I take another step it reverts back to nil. Is there any way to find out which variable that it is referring to? Also, why does theError change back to nil? I would like to be able to print out that error message.


  • It ended up being an issue with the network I was on. The error happened because in order to simulate the device not having internet, I would simply disable wifi, and upon re-enabling wifi I did not resupply the username/password to pass the NTLM authentication.