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Regular expression for media queries in CSS

I'm searching for a way to extract media queries from a CSS file.

/* "normal" css selectors

@media only screen and (max-device-width: 480px) {
    img {max-width: 100% !important; 
         height: auto !important; 

@media only screen and (max-device-width: 320px) {
        width: 320px;

now I like to get only the media queries. I though the begin is always @media and the end of the search is always a curly bracket followed by some optional whitespace and another curly bracket.

The only thing I have is

preg_match_all('#@media ?[^{]+?{XXX#',$stylesheetstring, $result);

were XXX is the missing part I'm searching for.

The current one (without the X) only returns the first line (obviously)


  • Assuming you want the entire media block, I don't think this is the right job for regex.

    You could however, implement a simple parsing function:

    function parseMediaBlocks($css)
        $mediaBlocks = array();
        $start = 0;
        while (($start = strpos($css, "@media", $start)) !== false)
            // stack to manage brackets
            $s = array();
            // get the first opening bracket
            $i = strpos($css, "{", $start);
            // if $i is false, then there is probably a css syntax error
            if ($i !== false)
                // push bracket onto stack
                array_push($s, $css[$i]);
                // move past first bracket
                while (!empty($s))
                    // if the character is an opening bracket, push it onto the stack, otherwise pop the stack
                    if ($css[$i] == "{")
                        array_push($s, "{");
                    elseif ($css[$i] == "}")
                // cut the media block out of the css and store
                $mediaBlocks[] = substr($css, $start, ($i + 1) - $start);
                // set the new $start to the end of the block
                $start = $i;
        return $mediaBlocks;