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MMX error A2022:instruction operands must be the same size

I'm trying to handtune a piece of code(a function originally writen in C++) and the assembler throws this error: error A2022:instruction operands must be the same size

at the lines that use the 'movq' instruction.

The code:

.MODEL flat, stdcall
.STACK 4096

packedbytes db 10, 20, -30, 40, 50, 60, -70, 80
packedwords dw 10, 20, 30, 40
packeddwords dd 10, 20

main PROC 

    movq mm0, packedbytes   ; <== error thrown here
    movq mm1, packedwords   ; <== here
    movq mm2, packeddwords  ; <== and here

    mov a0, 04d
    mov al, 0d  
    int 21h     
main ENDP
END main

I'm using masm on a 32 bit box.


  • I've figured it out. You can't use the registers directly; you can only place data via a pointer(at least with masm).

        mov edx, offset packedbytes
        movq mm0, [edx] 
        mov edx, offset packedwords
        movq mm1, [edx]
        mov edx, offset packeddwords   
        movq mm2, [edx] 

    This should do the trick.