My application flow: AViewController -> BViewController -> CViewController
(via navigationController). AViewController
and CViewController
looks the same, only BViewController
looks different.
I did it this way:
/// AppDelegate (should be 'super' settings)
[[UINavigationBar appearanceWhenContainedIn:[ABCNavigationController class], nil] setBackgroundImage:theImage forBarMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault];
/// BViewController (should apply ONLY to BViewController)
[self.navigationController.navigationBar setBackgroundImage:BImage forBarMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault];
The problem is that in CViewController
i see the image i loaded in BViewController
not in appDelegate
. How to restore it to appDelegate settings?
I should underline that backgroundImage is one of many elements that i setup, gave it here as example.
In CViewController
try setting the navbar's background image to nil
in viewWillAppear
, cause it reamains set by your BViewController
[self.navigationController.navigationBar setBackgroundImage:nil forBarMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault];