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Rendering an email throws a TemplateCompilationException using RazorEngine 3 in a non-MVC project

I am trying to render emails in a windows service host.

I use RazorEngine 3 forked by coxp which has support for Razor 2.

This works fine for a couple of emailtemplates but there is one causing me problems.

@model string

<a href="@Model" target="_blank">Click here</a> to enter a new password for your account.

This throws a CompilationException: The name 'WriteAttribute' does not exist in the current context. So passing in a string as model and putting it in the href-attribute causes problems.

I can make it work by changing this line by:

@Raw(string.Format("<a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Klik hier</a>.", @Model))

but this makes the template very unreadable and harder to pass along to a marketing department for further styling.

I like to add that referencing the RazorEngine by using a Nuget package is not a solution since it is based on Razor 1 and somewhere along the process the DLL for system.web.razor gets replaced by version 2 which breaks any code using RazorEngine. It seems more interesting to use Razor 2 to benefit from the new features and to be up to date.

Any suggestions on how to fix this would be great. Sharing your experiences is also very welcome.


It seems like calling SetTemplateBaseType might help, but this method does not exist anymore, so I wonder how to be able to bind the templatebasetype?

//Missing method in the new RazorEngine build from coxp.


  • I use Windsor to inject the template service rather than using the Razor object. Here is a simplified part of the code that shows how to set the base template type.

        private static ITemplateService CreateTemplateService()
            var config = new TemplateServiceConfiguration
                                 BaseTemplateType = typeof (HtmlTemplateBase<>),
            return new TemplateService(config);