I have a grid that has a JSON date field. I want to format the field using Moment.JS but can't get the cellFormatter
nor cellFilter
fields to work.
See the following fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/cooper/8NNAk/5/ that shows the problem.
I want to apply the formatting to the HTML / data-grid, not the data, for example I don't want to do this:
function viewModel(){
myArray = ko.observableArray([
{ MyDate: moment("/Date(1355875200000+0000)/").format('DD/MM/YYYY') },
{ MyDate: moment("/Date(1355875300000+0000)/"}.format('DD/MM/YYYY')} ]);
This fiddle doesn't appear to be working in IE.
It should work with the following cellFilter
cellFilter: function(data) { return moment(data).format('DD/MM/YYYY') }
Here is how the full columndef looks like:
{ field: 'MyDate', displayName: 'DateTime',
cellFilter: function(data) { return moment(data).format('DD/MM/YYYY') } }
Demo JSFiddle.