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Regedit Right-click menu to skip to a specdific goto function in batch

I have modified my right-click menu using the registry to launch a batch file this works a charm however My batch file comprises of sub routines using the GOTO function. is it possible to launch the batch file and skip to a specific goto command using the registy example given below?

the following is my code to launch the batch (which works):

 Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="\"C:\\MY_BATCH_PROGRAM.bat\" \"%1\""


  • If your batch file accepts only one parameter, you could use the second one to denote whether you want to run the main part or a subroutine (and which one, too).

    More specifically, here's how you could do:

    IF "%2" == "sub1" GOTO sub1
    IF "%2" == "sub2" GOTO sub2
    :: otherwise just get on with the main part

    Now you could specify in the registry file something like this:

    @="\"C:\\MY_BATCH_PROGRAM.bat\" \"%1\" sub1"