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Java "cannot cast to Comparable" when using TreeMap

Possible Duplicate:
Java: SortedMap, TreeMap, Comparable? How to use?

I am using the Java JungI graph package and Netbeans 7. I am getting the following error from Java:

 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: graphvisualization.MyVertex cannot be cast to java.lang.Comparable
    at java.util.TreeMap.put(

Here is the code associated with the error:

SortedMap<MyVertex, Double> vMap = new TreeMap<MyVertex, Double>();
       double curRank = 0;
       for(MyVertex v: g.getVertices())                 //g is a SparseGraph<MyVertex, MyEdge>
           curRank = vertexRank.getVertexScore(v);
           vMap.put(v, curRank);                        //**Here is my Error**

Class MyVertex is a class I made for graphs. The following is the code for MyVertex

public class MyVertex 
    int vID;                    //id for this vertex
    double centrality;          //centrality measure for this vertex
    int degree;                 //the degree of this vertex

    public MyVertex(int id)
        this.vID = id;

    public double getCentrality()
        return this.centrality;

    public void setCentrality(double centrality)
        this.centrality = centrality;

    public int getDegree()

    public void setDegree(int deg)
    { = deg;

    public void incrementDegree()

    public void decrementDegree()

    public String toString()
        return "v"+vID;

    int compareTo(MyVertex v) 
        return ( < ? 1 : 0;          //this will do descendingly
  1. How do I get MyVertex types to be casted to Comparables?
  2. Why is this necessary? (I do not immediately see the reason)


  • How do I get MyVertex types to be casted to Comparables?

    Implement Comparable interface.

    public class MyVertex implements Comparable<MyVertex> {
      public int compareTo(Object o) {
       // comparison logic goes here

    or alternately, you can pass a comparator to the constructor of TreeMap.

     new TreeMap<MyVertex, Double>(new Comparator<MyVertex>()
                public int compare(MyVertex o1, MyVertex o2)
                    //comparison logic goes here

    Why is this necessary?

    Because you are storing in tree map which is a sorted map (sorted by keys). Map Keys need to be comparable to ensure a sort order in the map.