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node.js / Express throws 'RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded' under high load

We are having an issue with our node environment running under high load that we have not been able to find the source of.

A little background: we are running a clustered node application using Express for the http framework. Currently, there are 3 boxes with 8 CPU cores on each, and each box is running a cluster of 6 node workers. The setup seems to work great and I've researched all the suggested methodologies such that I believe the setup is solid. We're running node.js 0.8.1 with Express 2.5.11 and XMLHttpRequest 1.4.2.

Here's the issue: We're doing a "dark launch" test of this product (i.e. the browser client code has javascript ajax calls to our APIs in the background, but is not used on the page or shown to the user). After a few minutes running successfully, the system is throwing:

[RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded]

We're catching the error with the 'uncaughtException' event in the cluster controller (which starts each worker), however there is no stack trace available at that level. I've done extensive research on this issue and can't seem to find anyone with a similar error. After combing through EVERY line of code in the system, here's what I know:

  • I cannot find any recursion or circular references. (I've read that this error doesn't always mean a recursion problem, but we've checked; we've actually run tests by removing most of the code anyways and it still happens, see below);
  • I've gone down to 1 worker process per box to try and eliminate the cluster as an issue -- the problem still happens;
  • The problem ONLY happens under high load. Our traffic is approx. 1500 pages per second and, during heavy traffic times, can reach 15000 pages per second (we haven't been able to replicate on a dev environment);
  • The timing of the error being caught varies, but is usually within 15 minutes;
  • The error does NOT seem to impact operation! By this, I mean that there are no corrupt responses and, aside from the occasional timeout, the system never crashes;
  • The worker process that traps the error recovers and starts serving requests again after a few seconds;
  • I have gotten the error to happen on the most basic design--no additional APIs are called. Simply take a request and respond with a simple json response. This is the most curious part. It doesn't seem like the system is failing in any of my code -- It's failing without instantiating any of the classes to do the real work. Obviously, I started out with more code, but slowly took out pieces until it was still failing under a bare-bones setup.

The most telling symptom, I believe, is that the error always happens AFTER a request has been fully served. That is, the server takes a request, finds the proper Express route, calls res.send, and is finished. This really feels like garbage collection to me! I've read that the V8 engine has a very good GC engine, but I'm wondering how much our heavy load is impacting things.

As I said, the code throws the error even on a basic design. Having taken out most of our custom code, this is the basics of the setup. Sorry that I'm cutting here, so not all variable declarations etc will be included, however the code does work and all that stuff is in the real code:

Cluster controller. This is a cleaned-up version of what is started on the command line.

cluster = require('cluster');
path = require('path');
fs = require('fs');
app = require('./nodeApi');
_ = require('underscore');
nodeUtil = require(./nodeUtil);

process.on('uncaughtException', function(err) {
  var stamp;
  stamp = new Date();
  console.log("***************************** Exception Caught, " + stamp);
  return console.log("Exception is:", err);

if (cluster.isMaster) {
  if ((nodeUtil.isLiveServer() || nodeUtil.isCluster()) && process.env.IS_CLUSTER !== '0') {
    numCPUs = require("os").cpus().length - 2;
    if (numCPUs <= 0) {
      numCPUs = 1;
  } else {
    numCPUs = 1;
  console.log("Forking " + numCPUs + " workers...");
  for (i = _i = 1; 1 <= numCPUs ? _i <= numCPUs : _i >= numCPUs; i = 1 <= numCPUs ? ++_i : --_i) {
    worker = cluster.fork();
} else {

nodeWorker code. Using Express and a simple route to serve a request. Request is wrapped in a callback if jsonp is used (for our testing with ajax, this was needed)

(function() {
  var crypto, express, fs, modroot, path, staticroot, _;
  express = require('express');
  _ = require('underscore');
  fs = require('fs');
  path = require('path');

  module.exports.start = function() {
    logFile = fs.createWriteStream("" + logpath + "/access.log", {
      flags: 'a'

    app = express.createServer();

    app.configure(function() {
        stream: logFile,
        format: ':remote-addr - [:date] - ":method :url HTTP/:http-version" :status :res[content-length] ":referrer" :response-time ms'
        dumpExceptions: true,
        showStack: true
        secret: "ourMemStoreSecret",
        cookie: {
          domain: ""
        maxAge: new Date( + 7200000),
        // The store WAS a redis store.  I took it out to eliminate redis as the issue.  We don't use sessions anyway.
        store: new require('express').session.MemoryStore({
          reapInterval: 60000 * 15
      app.set('view engine', 'underscore');  // For our template rendering.  Not used in this test.
      app.set('views', __dirname + '/views/src');
      app.set('view options', {
        layout: false

    ignore = function(req, res, next) {
      if (req.params.api === 'favicon.ico') {
        return next('route');
      return next();

    wrapCallback = function(req, res, next) {
      var callbackName;
      if (callbackName = req.query.callback) {
        req.wrapCallback = true;
        res._send = res.send;
        res.send = function(data, status) {
          var dataString;
          if (_.isObject(data)) {
            dataString = encodeURI(JSON.stringify(data));
            res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/javascript');
            return res._send("" + callbackName + "(\"" + dataString + "\")", status);
          } else {
            data = encodeURI(data);
            return res._send("" + callbackName + "(\"" + data + "\")", status);
      return next();

    app.error(function(err, req, res, next) {
      console.log("[" + + "] Error Handler. Ok.", err);
      return res.send({
        error: err.msg
      }, err.statusCode);

    // Does anyone know how to hard-code a path AND put it into a variable at the same time?
    // Kind of like: "/:api=MyTestAPI"  ??  That's why this route is here.
    setAPIName = function(req, res, next) {
      req.params.api = 'MyTestAPI';
      return next();
    app.get("/MyTestAPI", setAPIName, wrapCallback, function(req, res) {
        hello: 'world'
      }, 200);
      return console.log("[" + + "] res.send (no cacher) is done");

      // For IPC - the controller has a handler for this message
      cmd: 'isStarted'
    return app.listen(process.env.APP_PORT);


What the error looks like. Basically, I never see it happen in the middle of a request. There isn't a call stack on the error either--it's only the stack overflow message. Here you can see 2 worker processes each serving a response, then the error on one of them.

[660] res.send (no cacher) is done
[654] res.send (no cacher) is done
***************************** Exception Caught, Fri Nov 02 2012 10:23:48 GMT-0400 (EDT)

I would really appreciate some feedback on this. The system runs beautifully and is capable of handling our huge traffic with 3 boxes. The load on the boxes is about 40% and humming. I'd love to find the source of this issue so others can be as proud of this system as I am, and show the node.js non-believers that this is a great product!


  • I thought I would update my own post to explain what the fix was for me.

    After realizing that I had done everything else I knew how to do, the solution presented itself by doing this:

    Install Express version 3

    There were so many differences and changes that needed to be made to the core code that it took me a full day just to do the conversion. However, in doing so, I was able to take advantage of many new v3 featuers including the .param method for attaching helpers to your :param variables in each route. This eliminated several of my old "helper" functions, so instead of chaining through the routes, I used that instead.

    I now have a full understanding of routes/middleware, and simply by re-writing for Express v3, my problem went away!

    Since this isn't an exact answer, these are the things I used to learn how to make the conversion:

    Express v3 API reference

    Information on how routes work

    Awesome HOWTO doc! Thanks to those guys!