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Calling subclass method from other class - Android (java)

I have a working trivia game and am now trying to implement a highscores. I created a subclass DatabaseHelper class extending SQLiteOpenHelper. I am trying to call a method in the subclass DatabaseHelper from another class and am getting errors. The classes won't compile so there is no LogCat output. I have commented in the code the errors.

Code structure advice is appreciated as well!

public class Highscores extends Activity {

    DatabaseHelper dh;
    SQLiteDatabase db;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        dh = new DatabaseHelper(context);

    public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper { 

        public DatabaseHelper(Context context) { 

        public boolean check(long score, int percentage) {

public class Results extends Activity {

    DatabaseHelper dh;  //Error:  "DatabaseHelper cannot be resolved to a type."

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        dh = new DatabaseHelper();  //Error:  "DatabaseHelper cannot be resolved to a type."

    public void showResults() {

        if(dh.check(score, percentage) == true) {  //Error:  "DatabaseHelper cannot be resolved to a type."
      dh.insert(score, percentage);  //Error:  "DatabaseHelper cannot be resolved to a type."


  • Sounds like you are missing an import at the top of your

    It should look something like import com.somepackage.DatabaseHelper;

    Errors like this are typically either a typo in the class name or a missing import.