I am using Amplify to do my Ajax calls to elasticsearch, however I am having issues filtering my results. Since I am passing everything as a URL I am unsure how to format it. The following returns 4 results when I pass firstName:John as the searchCriteria.
self.url = "http://leServer:lePort/people/person/_search?q=" + self.searchCriteria;
If I have firstName:John&lastName:Smith it returns 6 results because there are 2 smith records with a first name other than John.
If I run the following from my command prompt I get one result which is to be expected.
curl -XGET "http://leServer:lePort/people/person/_search?pretty=true" -d "{
\"query\": {
\"filtered\": {
\"query\": {
\"text\": {
\"firstName\": \"John\"
\"filter\": {
\"query\": {
\"text\": {
\"lastName\": \"Smith\"
I tried using the following as my Ajax call however it does not return anything. I also tried with the \"
that the curl request had.
self.url = "http://leServer:lePort/people/person/_search?" +"-d"+"{query:{filtered:{query:{text:{firstName:John}},filter:{query:{text:{lastName:Smith}}}}}}"
The query should be url encoded +firstName:John +lastName:Smith
. By the way, it might be a bad idea to expose your elasticsearch server to outside world.