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How to calculate a weighted average in XPath or XQuery?

I need to calculate a simple weighted average in a XForms form. How can I do that in an elegant and declarative way using XPath and/or XQuery ?

[EDITED] This is the source XML document :


The following snippet is correctly displaying the values (= ./Valeur) and the weight (= ./../../Coef) :

<xforms:repeat nodeset="$currentBranche//Note[EleveId=$currentEleveId]">
     <xforms:output ref="./Valeur"/>
     <xforms:output ref="./../../Coef"/>

BTW, I also need to exclude the nodes for which Valeur is an empty string. For example, in the following simple average calculation with the XPath avg() function, I got an error ("Cannot convert '' to double") if one node's content is an empty string. This is a problem, because the node exist (it's part of a model instance) and the value is an empty string when the user has not yet entered a value.

<xforms:output ref="round(avg($currentBranche//Note[EleveId=$currentEleveId]/Valeur)*100) div 100"/>


The correct calculations are :

If EleveId=100 : weighted average = (1*4+2*5+3*6) / (1+2+3) = 5.333
If EleveId=101 : weighted average = (1*4.2+3*5.4) / (1+3) = 5.1
If EleveId=102 : weighted average = (1*3.8+2*3.5+3*2) / (1+2+3) = 2.8


  • In XPath 1.0 Use:


    In Xpath 2.0 (XQuery) use:

          ) div 100

    If all Valeur values are guaranteed to be castable as xs:decimal, then use:

                                                     [castable as xs:decimal]

    In this case there won't be (noticeable) loss of precision and you can use later the format-number() function to get the wanted number of digits after the decimal point.

    II. Producing "weighted average":

    Given the provided XML document:


    this XPath 2.0 expression produces the weighted average:

       for $elevId in distinct-values(/*/*/*/*/EleveId)
                        [EleveId eq $elevId
                       and number(Valeur) eq number(Valeur)
                          /(Valeur * ../../Coef)
                        [EleveId eq $elevId
                       and number(Valeur) eq number(Valeur)
        div 100

    and the expected, correct result is produced:

    5.33 5.1 2.8