I know it's common practice to autoload your controllers when using an MVC framework. I have made my own mini-framework where controllers are autoloaded fine.
Are there any security/bad issues with having the same autoload function load the models too?
function __autoload($className) { // Autoload both controllers and models.
if(stristr($className, 'Model'))
if (is_readable(Ms . $className . '.php')) {
include Ms . $className . '.php';
} else {
if (is_readable(Cs . $className . '.php')) {
include Cs . $className . '.php';
You could use namespaces and spl_autoload_register()
in order to get such an autoloader. There's no specific security issues regarding a multi autoloader (an autoloader for multi classes of classes) rather than a controller-only autoloader.
I usually works with namespaces like:
$home = new controller\home;
$users = new model\users;
$post = new view\post;
from there it's easy to replace a \
in the class name with a /
to get the specific paths for the file (obviously doing the needed security checking as always).