I am working on the Cascading Dropdowns for the Sharepoint.
I am able to implement this without any issue.
Now my problem is How to filter the First dropwdown Fill value using caml query.
E.g. I have list of projects and tasknames according to the Projects.
Projects is my first dropdown and according to the selection i am filling the second Task name dropdown. Now I want only those projects to be filled in First Dropdown which are active right now (Activew =Yes boolean column in list). How to do that ?
I have solved this problem my own
For this I have to Use the Filtered LookUp column from SPServices.codeplex.com.
After adding this wsp in your Application you are able to create a Column as a Filtered lookup.
To Fulfill my desired result (Filter first Dropdown). I will Create one View in my List which will get only active projects from the list which i will bind to the first dropdown.