Search code examples

Richfaces 3 dynamic columns datatable

I'm trying to create a page where you click a button and it populates a richfaces datatable with a dynamic number of columns (eventually this will be a lookup, but for now i'm just trying to get a button to populate hardcoded data);

The problem is that the first time i click the button, the page refreshes as expected and the datatable appears, but with no columns or data. If i click the button again, everything appears as normal.

Can anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong that i need to click the button twice?

    <a4j:form id="searchForm" style="height: 100%;" ajaxSubmit="false">
        <h:commandButton value="Search" action="#{}" />
        <rich:scrollableDataTable id="resultsTable" value="#{tableBacking.results}" var="results" 
              rows="500" >
                <f:facet name="header">
                    <h:outputText value="Row" />

                <h:outputText value="#{row}" />

            <rich:columns value="#{tableResultsBacking.columns == null ? '' : tableResultsBacking.columns}" var="columns" index="ind" id="column#{ind}" sortBy="#{columns.header}" >
                <f:facet name="header">
                    <h:outputText value="#{columns.header}" />

                <h:outputText value="#{results[ind].data}" />


backing bean

public class TableLookupBacking {

    private List<SelectItem> allTables = null;
    private List<List<Column>> results = null;

    public TableLookupBacking() throws Exception {}

    public List<SelectItem> getAllTables() {

        if(allTables == null) {
            allTables = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
            DataDao dd = new DataDao();
            try {
                allTables = dd.getTableNames();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // TODO Add error message here

        return allTables;

    public void search() {

        DataDao dd = new DataDao();
        try {
            results = dd.getData();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // TODO Add error message here
        columns = new ArrayList<Column>();

        for (List<Column> row : results) {
            for (Column c : row) {
                if(columns.size() < row.size()) {
                    columns.add(new Column(c.getHeader()));

        FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSessionMap().put("columns", columns);
// getters and setters

Here's a request scoped bean so that the columns get generated in the constructor.

public class TableResultsBacking {

    private List<TableData> columns = null;

    public TableResultsBacking() throws IOException {
        if(null != FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSessionMap().get("columns")) {
            columns = (List<TableData>) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSessionMap().get("columns");

    public List<TableData> getColumns() throws Exception {
        return columns;
    public void setColumns(ArrayList<TableData> columns) {
        this.columns = columns;


  • It seems that the page doesn't actually load correctly after the very first 2 clicks. It takes 2 clicks for every single search. Apparently after the very first 2 clicks, the data will show up correctly for the next clicks, but it will only display the previous searched number of columns.

    I ended up adding a method that when a value is selected in the dropdown, i query the database and get the number of columns and set columns then. That way when the page is refreshed, the columns already exist.