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Is there a command to move up and down the sidebar file list in sublime text?

I use the sidebar a lot in sublime text and I want some quick way of moving up and down the list ( preferably with a keybinding but if there is some command then I'm sure I can bind it).

For instance if I have 10 files in a folder then I can click on one and view it, but then I have to pick up the mouse to view the next or previous file. I want to be able to move to the next or previous file in the list.

I know I can use ctrl-p to search for the file but I was hoping to have a keyboard shortcut to simply move to the next file. Is there anything like this?


  • If you focus the sidebar with Control+0 you can use the arrow keys to move up and down through the files. Right Arrow will open a folder and Left Arrow will close it.