How can I get the following hardware attributes using Matlab?
And is there any function or class responsible for detecting attributes of other machine hardware components attributes?
I know it can be done using system or console commands, but I don't know how. However, I prefer to know both two ways, the one using Windows console commands, and the one without using it.
This is a way to get hard disk serial number using console command from matlab:
%// Get hard disk serial using windows console command
cmd = 'wmic diskdrive get SerialNumber';
[~, result] = system(cmd);
%// Extract first hard disk serial number
fields = textscan( result, '%s', 'Delimiter', '\n' );
fields = strtrim(fields{1});
serialNo = fields{2};
The same for the processor id:
%// Get processor id using windows console command
cmd = 'wmic cpu get ProcessorId';
[~, result] = system(cmd);
%// Extract first processor id
fields = textscan( result, '%s', 'Delimiter', '\n' );
fields = strtrim(fields{1});
processorId = fields{2};
It's all about using console command wmic
+ [hardware name]
+ get
+ [attributename]
and if you want to know the whole attributes available for some device you can use get
in your command without naming any attribute, Example:
command = 'wmic csproduct get'
that will get all available attributes of your machine as a product and its values.