I'm using (and loving) datetimepicker, the great add on to the jQuery UI Datepicker. However, I'm using the dropdown option (you can see all of them here -- http://trentrichardson.com/examples/timepicker/), and I want to have three dropdowns -- one for hours (1-12), minutes (00 to 60), and AM/PM.
Right now, the hours field also has the am/pm, and I'm not sure how to add another dropdown to control the AM/PM.
Here's my initialization:
$( ".datepicker" ).datetimepicker({
controlType: 'select',
timeFormat: "h:mm TT",
ampm: true
I feel like this may be a very easy problem, but I can't find any real documentation that alludes to how I do this. Please help!
Quick solution:
override or change "controlType: 'slider'," to "controlType: 'select',"