Given a JS literal object like:
var foo = {
_stuff : {
and literal functions
addAB: function() {
add(foo._stuff[a], foo._stuff[b]);
addAC: function() {
add(foo._stuff[a], foo._stuff[c]);
add: function(bar, baz) {
foo._stuff[bar] += foo._stuff[baz];
state: function(value) {
foo.state[value] = .... something complex ....
How can I get the following in one pass ?
add(AB); foo._stuff[a] should be 30, foo.state[foo._stuff[a]] is something new
add(AC); foo._stuff[a] should be 40, foo.state[foo._stuff[a]] is something new
As is add() will try to lookup foo._stuff[10] which clearly wont do what I want.
Yes I know there is redundancy with addAB() and addAC() but that is out of my control.
Pass the index instead of the value, like this:
addAB: function() {
add('a', 'b');
addAC: function() {
add('a', 'c');