I have an app with an MGSplitView
containing a table view and a UIWebView
, which is fixed to landscape. The web view has a UITapGestureRecognizer
(for a triple tap) attached to the web view. Taps in the left portion of the web view work; taps on the right side of the web view are lost - the action is not triggered, and the gesture delegate messages are not received.
The problem seems not to lie in the MGSplitViewController
, as switching to a UISplitViewController
has the same issues; changing from a tap to a long press also has the same results.
Tap locations are reported with the x coordinate at or close to the max width of the gesture.view, and yet are clearly made close to the centre of the display, which I expect has something to do with the root of the problem - and yet the web view contents are clearly visible and correctly placed.
All the view controllers involved implement shouldAutorotate
and supportedInterfaceOrientations
, so being stuck in portrait seems unlikely i.e. MGSplitViewController
, my UITableView
subclass (left hand panel) and UIViewController
subclass for the right hand panel.
My gesture recognizer delegate and output from one triple-tap (the view in the right hand panel web view):
- (BOOL)gestureRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer shouldReceiveTouch:(UITouch *)touch {
NSLog(@"%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
NSLog(@"gestureRecognizer view frame: %@", NSStringFromCGRect(gestureRecognizer.view.frame));
NSLog(@"location %@", NSStringFromCGPoint([gestureRecognizer locationInView:gestureRecognizer.view]));
return YES;
-[DocumentBrowser gestureRecognizer:shouldReceiveTouch:]
gestureRecognizer view frame: {{0, 0}, {703, 704}}
location {703, -20}
-[DocumentBrowser gestureRecognizer:shouldReceiveTouch:]
gestureRecognizer view frame: {{0, 0}, {703, 704}}
location {414.5, 204.5}
-[DocumentBrowser gestureRecognizer:shouldReceiveTouch:]
gestureRecognizer view frame: {{0, 0}, {703, 704}}
location {414.5, 204.5}
The first location reported seems strange.
Check your orientation and view resizing mechanisms. I've seen this several times when something is wrong in these areas - if you log the touch locations, I think you will probably find that they stop at 768 points from the left-hand side, i.e. there is a view somewhere that thinks it is in portrait orientation.