I am using HoloEveryWhere Library with Holo.Theme.Sherlock.Light
as the parent theme. I am also using splitActionBarWhenNarrow
and so the top ActionBar
and bottom ActionBar
will be of Light colors. I would like to have dark color in top ActionBar
, so I have changed it programmatically and it works fine.
As I have Light theme as parent and dark color in top ActionBar
, the homeAsUpIndcator
will be of dark color which is not visible in a dark top ActionBar
Thus I have created a custom theme to make the homeAsUpIndcator
a light one. I have succeeded in what I need using this theme :
<style name="AppTheme" parent="@style/Holo.Theme.Sherlock.Light">
<item name="android:homeAsUpIndicator">@drawable/abs__ic_ab_back_holo_dark</item>
<item name="homeAsUpIndicator">@drawable/abs__ic_ab_back_holo_dark</item>
This is working perfectly in Android 2.2 Emulator but not in ICS+ I am getting the dark bottom ActionBar
and ActionPopupMenus
Actually I did not specify any Dark theme anywhere! Am I missing any attributes for the custom theme ?
I suspect that you have a values-v11 folder where you also have your theme declared('AppTheme'). You can remove the style(if you don't plan to do something else with it)