I have downloaded the liferay 6 with tomcat bundle and installed it.I am getting redirected to Liferay login page when i hit the default liferay url. But my requirement is
1)I should redirect to the login page of my own when clicks on the sigin button.
2)After clicking on submit button of login page , the user will get authenicated against "Login" table created by me.
3)After authentication the user will redirect to Liferay landing page.
Please share some sample code if available for this kind of requirement.It is very urgent to me.If this is not the correct place to place the liferay related question please give me the link to post my problems.Thank You.
Hi Vikas here i am editing the question according to your answaer.
I have created a hook with below steps.
1)In Eclipse IDE File - New - Project - LiferayProject - clicks on Next button then Given the project name and then selected the checkbox for hook and clicks on finish button.
2)In liferay-hook.xml i have added /WEB-INF/jsps
3)I have created the following directory structure. login-hook/docroot/WEB-INF/jsps/html/portlet/login/login.jsp
4)In login.jsp i have placed the code of liferay-portal6.1/tomcat-7.0.27/webapps/ROOT/html/portlet/login/login.jsp file.
When i do like this it is showing so many red marks in my jsp file like HtmlUtil can not be resoled.Like this it is showing so many errors.Am i doing anything wrong here.Please let me know the problem.I am very new to liferay.Thank You.
Hi Vikas.This is the code i am using in my login.jsp.
<TITLE>Login using jsp</TITLE>
<td> Username : </td><td> <input name="username" size=15 type="text" /> </td>
<td> Password : </td><td> <input name="password" size=15 type="text" /> </td>
<input type="submit" value="login" />
Create a hook
for overriding default login page of Liferay
The portal can authenticate users based on their email address, screen name, or user id.
This is set in portal-ext.properties
company.security.auth.type=emailAddress //This enables authentication to happen through Email Address
Adding your own table might cause a problem in future if the next release of Liferay plans to add table of the name that you will be giving now!
Set default.landing.page.path
to whichever path you want Users to land after authentication.
This is set in portal-ext.properties
. It can also be configured through Admin port.
If you are looking for code then please check the FAQ section here