I'm trying to start two forever instances but it doesn't work
#Start node@4040 node@5050 con forever
description "node@4040 node@5050"
start on (local-filesystems and net-device-up IFACE=eth0)
stop on shutdown
cd /var/node/
exec forever start -l /var/node/logs/for5050.log -o /var/node/logs/out5050.log -e /var/node/logs/err5050.log app.js 5050
exec forever start -l /var/node/logs/for4040.log -o /var/node/logs/out4040.log -e /var/node/logs/err4040.log app.js 4040
end script
What's the problem? Thank you.
Each process exec must be in its own conf file. So in your case, you need to create 2 upstart conf files for each of your nodejs programs. The same conf file cannot run multiple exec commands.