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Finding the offset client position of an element

How to find the offset client position of an element using Javascript? (I assume the same code can be written in a BHO or Gecko/NPAPI).

The problem I am facing is a way to find out the offset client position of the element. The e.srcElement.offsetX/Y does not give the correct value always (same goes for clientX/Y). In some cases we also need to consider the parent element scroll.

How do we do this in general? Is there an easy way for this?


  • function getElementTop ( Elem ) 
        var elem;
        if ( document.getElementById ) 
            elem = document.getElementById ( Elem );
        else if ( document.all ) 
            elem = document.all[Elem];
        yPos = elem.offsetTop;
        tempEl = elem.offsetParent;
        while ( tempEl != null ) 
            yPos += tempEl.offsetTop;
            tempEl = tempEl.offsetParent;
        return yPos;
    function getElementLeft ( Elem ) 
        var elem;
        if ( document.getElementById ) 
            var elem = document.getElementById ( Elem );
        else if ( document.all )
            var elem = document.all[Elem];
        xPos = elem.offsetLeft;
        tempEl = elem.offsetParent;         
        while ( tempEl != null ) 
            xPos += tempEl.offsetLeft;
            tempEl = tempEl.offsetParent;
        return xPos;

    Pass the element id to the functions.