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netduino check email

I see lot of examples on how to send email with a but I'm looking to run an action checking an email account.

Does anyone know if that can be done (im sure it can) and point me to some examples?


  • I found this code online but "POP3_Client" isn't recognized and I don't see any refrences to add it

     POP3_Client Mailbox = new POP3_Client(new >>>>IntegratedSocket<<<<<("", 110), "yourusername", "yourpassword");
                Debug.Print("Message count: " + Mailbox.MessageCount.ToString());
                Debug.Print("Box size in bytes: " + Mailbox.BoxSize.ToString());
                uint[] Id, Size;
                Mailbox.ListMails(out Id, out Size);
                for (int Index = 0; Index < Id.Length; ++Index)
                    string[] Headers = Mailbox.FetchHeaders(Id[Index], new string[] { "subject", "from", "date" });
                    Debug.Print("Mail ID " + Id[Index].ToString() + " is " + Size[Index].ToString() + " bytes");
                    Debug.Print("Subject: " + Headers[0]);
                    Debug.Print("From: " + Headers[1]);
                    Debug.Print("Date: " + Headers[2]);