I want to try using SASS and compass. As I´ve read that compass runs in ruby, I need to install ruby on my local windows machine in order to go and play with it.
I thought on installing everything in a portable way, I mean in my pendrive. I´ve download a portable ruby version and a portable xampp version, and I´ve installed both in my pendrive.
My question is: As I´ve haven´t worked with ruby ever, should I just run the ruby app and the xamp app and then just install compass in there? I´ve read compass installing version, but I don´t know how to install it using the command line inside the pendrive.
Thanks for your help!
I´ve found somewhere else the reply to this, and just in case anyone wonders the same thing, here´s the fastest way to use SASS when you have windows and don´t know a word about ruby, but you read that you need it in order to use compass:
You can install ruby in your windows pc using this. I´ve tried the portable one but didn´t worked in my case.
After that you have to open a special console window (the one with ruby activated). There´s this icon called "start commend promt with ruby" that does exactly that. It is in the same folder as your ruby installation.
You just type this: gem install compass No, you don´t have to download nothing, it just installs the application.
You don´t need to use the command line anymore, nor you have to pay for the compass.app: You have the free alternative Scout. You install it and from that moment you can work with it.
Maybe you should read these aswell: http://thesassway.com/beginner/getting-started-with-sass-and-compass http://andrewpwatson.com/posts/how-set-compass-sass-windows-aptana-studio-3