I have multiple items in my app. I have two devices. If I buy item on first of these devices and then try to buy on another one the same item, i can't.(Google play intent shows message - Item already owned! And then it crashes....:-( ) Items in google play are marked as "managed per user account". And I do not have any problem with buying items.
Another problem is, if I try RESTORE TRANSACTION ACTION - I got result_developer_error ( which is partly weird....):D
These issues tested on Android 2.2,4.1
My question is:
Is there any possibility to allow to buy this item multiple times without need that the item is marked as "unmanaged"? (I mean on different devices by the phrase multiple times)
If there is possibility? Can it be done without server side where the info will be stored?
I know that the simpliest solution is to change product_type - But then I will loose the chance for restore transaction action....
I followed google api on implementing the in-apps http://developer.android.com/google/play/billing/billing_overview.html
note: implemented v2 in - apps
I have finally solved this issue by implementing new v3 in app billing. It's quite simple to implement version3 and it supports checking for transactions in very very better way. If I could i would send plus one to google for version3. If you are lookng for solution for this issue use this site "Google in app billing version 3"