I am looking for a news API that allows me to map specific keywords and sources to the number of articles published in a specific time frame.
For example a user will input
{keyword1, source1, beginDate, endDate}
and the output will be
There are xx articles.
Display the titles and url of articles
The time frame can be even a year, like from Jan 1st 2011 to Jan 1st 2012. Google news seemed promising but the API has been deprecated and you can only search within two months in the current year. I looked at New York Times API and it is exactly what I am looking for but for multiple sources not just NYT. Feedzilla does not provide search by source or time frame functionality plus it only allows retrieving 100 articles.
I have been looking around the web and couldn't find anything useful, any help would be appreciated.
Have you tried News is free and its API?
I haven't tried this one, but it seems to have a directSearch
operation, which seems to allow for filtering on dates (and tags)...
> directSearch(login, password, search, params) This method searches the news, depending on given parameters. The analog of newsisfree advanced search. application_key (string) - application key; login (string) - user login; password (string) - user password; search (string) - search string; params (string) - hash array of additional search parameters (very important to use 'params' array values order as shown below); as_language - language code (e.g. en,fr,it) numitems - number of items to search (max 100) source_id - source id as_sourcename - source name as_category - category id as_author - author name as_topics - topics as_date_from - from date (YYYY/MM/DD) as_date_to - to date (YYYY/MM/DD) as_pop_from - from popularity (0 as_exact - exact match as_synonym - use synonyms as_relevance - by relevance as_intitle - only in titles